Bioethanol and gel fuels
Bioethanol flame-effect fires have the same look and feel as ‘living’ flames but don't need to have a chimney or flue.
They don’t emit smoke or ash, but they’re flammable and can cause serious harm.
Follow our advice to find out how you can keep yourself (and others) safe around them.

What to do if there’s a fire
If your bio-ethanol fire gets out of control and can’t be extinguished with the in-built mechanism in your fire, you must:
- Get out, closing doors behind you.
- Stay out
- Call the fire service (999).
Do not use water to try and put out the flames, as this will spread them further.
If your clothing catches fire, use the ‘Stop, drop and roll’ method.
Stop, drop and roll
What to do if your clothes catch fire.
How they work
There are two types of fuel for flame-effect fires: bio-ethanol gel and bio-ethanol fuel. Both of these create an authentic flame look.
- With bio-ethanol gel, you insert the can into the grate before setting it alight.
- For bio-ethanol fires fuelled with a liquid, you pour this into the burner before lighting it.
The fuel burns for up to 4-5 hours unless extinguished.