Secondary schools
Reducing fire and road deaths and injuries is about educating people to prevent the behaviours that can cause these incidents to happen in the first place.
Our 'Fire Wise Fire Safe' presentations for Key Stage 3 and 4 students give them the knowledge and understanding that will help them make the right choices to keep themselves and others safe. We make them aware of how their decisions can affect not only themselves but others too.

Fire Wise Fire Safe
These sessions are targeted interventions based on local risk and need. We determine this, by using our Service incident data and through collaboration and discussion with our school partners and other agencies.
If school safeguarding or pastoral leads feel that students would benefit from our support with regards to safe behaviour and risk reduction please email
The Fire Wise Fire Safe programme is designed to:
- raise awareness and develop an understanding of the dangers of fire
- identify reasons why young people may engage in certain behaviour and take risks involving fire
- identify and develop strategies to keep themselves and others, safe and in control
- recognise the wider impact that choices of behaviour can have on themselves and others.
Bookings and enquiries
School education visits can be requested by emailing We ask for at least five weeks' notice for any request.
We ask that schools and school staff do not approach stations or firefighters parents/friends/family to arrange any school visits.
If you've got any questions, please email