Enforcement notice number
Unique property reference number
UPRN: 10002982406
Premises ID
Premises type
Commercial, Retail, Shops
Notice served date
Notice compliance date
Compliance status
Alterations notice withdrawn and on register
Premises address
Shop, 35 Torbay Road, Paignton, TQ4 6AA
Reason issued
The rear garage area of the premises which serves as part of the means of escape for the first floor maisonette must be kept sterile at all times.
The accommodation space above the garage should only be used for low risk storage.
If either areas are to be used for any other use, the Responsible Person must inform DSFRS before changing the use to confirm whether acceptable.
The accommodation space above the garage should only be used for low risk storage.
If either areas are to be used for any other use, the Responsible Person must inform DSFRS before changing the use to confirm whether acceptable.