Incident typeLarge vehicle
LocationBuckland Monachorum
Attending stationYelverton
Incident typeExternal source
LocationPlympton Chaddlewood
Attending stationPlympton
Incident typeInternal source
LocationEfford and Lipson
Attending stationCrownhill, Greenbank
Attending stationHartland
LocationBarton with Watcombe
Attending stationAshburton, Ivybridge
Incident typeSmall vehicle
Attending stationMiddlemoor
Incident typeIn the open (small)
LocationSt. Peter and the Waterfront
Attending stationGreenbank
Incident typeIn the open (small)
Attending stationCamels Head, Greenbank
Attending stationMinehead, Williton
Attending stationBridgwater, Glastonbury, Street, Martock, Somerton
Incident typeAgricultural