Community Risk Management Plan 2022-2027
Each fire and rescue authority has a statutory duty to produce a Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP). Our CRMP sets out the key challenges and risks facing our communities and how we intend to meet and reduce them. It demonstrates how our protection, prevention and response activities have and will be used collectively to prevent and/or mitigate fires and other incidents.
This integrated approach will keep you safe and reduce the impact of emergencies on people, businesses and the local economy. We protect over 1.8m people and we will always seek to prevent incidents from occurring; but when you need us, we will respond quickly to minimise harm and economic loss.
This five-year strategic plan will be reviewed annually and we will publish the progress reports on our website.
- About the Service (
- Looking back (
- Looking forward - risks identified in our plan (
- Equality impacts (
- Action - what we will do to reduce the risks faced by our communities (
- Financial resources (
- Our values and code of ethics (
- Glossary (
Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP) strategic review statements
The CRMP strategic review statements report the progress against each Service priority. It reviews the activities carried out in the CRMP year, including future recommendations.
You can download a copy of the CRMP ( to print and read (opens in new window).
Download and print a copy of the supporting documents for our CRMP.
- Equality Impact Asssessment (ODT) (
- Equality Impact Assessment (PDF) (
- Strategic Risk Analysis (ODT) (
- Strategic Risk Analysis (PDF) (
- Progress report - November 2021 (
Consultation findings reports
These reports document the findings of the consultation we ran for our CRMP.
- Consultation findings - summary report (PDF) (
- Consultation findings - summary report (ODT) (
- Online survey findings (PDF) (
- Online survey findings (ODT) (
- Email response summary (PDF) (
- Email response summary (ODT) (
- Focus group report (PDF) (
- Focus group report (ODT) (
- Business focus group report (PDF) (
- Business focus group report (ODT) (
These documents are provided in two different formats for accessibility. ODT files will open with programmes such as Microsoft Word.