Data from the last five years
We have provided five year data in a spreadsheet.
About the data
All data is five year totals not annual.
The grey areas for weekdays on the A1 and A2 tabs represent the times when the current non-attendance policy is in place.
The categories for mobilisation are:
- A1 commercial and industrial
- A2 retail and public assembly
- A3 residential
- A4 domestic
Column headings
Hour of day - This is the hour of the day.
Incidents - Number of called to alarm incidents recorded by control.
Emergencies - Of these incidents how many turned out to be genuine emergency incidents (i.e. not a false alarm).
Incidents resource alerted - Number of incidents where at least one resource was alerted. Note that more than one resource is sometimes alerted to an incident.
Incidents attended - Number of times an attendance was made at an incident.
On-call alerted - Number of times an on-call resource was alerted.
WDS alerted - Number of times an wholetime resource was alerted.
Other alerted - Number of times a resource was alerted that wasn’t categorised as on-call / wholetime
Total on-call est cost - Number of times an on-call resource was alerted multiplied by £111 (estimated marginal hourly cost of an on-call appliance).
Alert rate - Percentage of incidents where a resource was alerted / total number of calls to alarm incidents.
Attendance rate - Percentage of incidents where a resource attended / total number of calls to alarm incidents.
Possible saving - Total on-call cost with a deduction made for the incidents we would still attend if this period was subject to a non attendance policy. The deduction is based on our current attendance rate during the non-attendance hours for A1 and A2 incidents. For A3 and A4 incidents we have assumed that we would still alert resources to 25% of incidents.
Emergency rate - Percentage of incidents that were emergencies / total number of calls to alarm incidents.
Alert to emergency - Percentage of incidents that were emergencies / number of incidents where a resource was alerted.
It is worth noting that “resource alerted” is the number of incidents where something was alerted, whereas the columns relating to the resource crewing are the total number of resources (as that will inform the cost). For example, if there is an incident where we alerted two appliances the value in “resource alerted” would be one, but the WDS+on-call alerted would be two.
We have provided the data in csv and Excel formats below.