Option two (https://www.dsfire.gov.uk/about-us/AFA-consultation/option-two)

Option two

Industrial and commercial (no change) – we will continue to respond to automatic fire alarms during night-time and weekends. We will continue to not respond to automatic fire alarms during weekday daytimes unless there is a confirmed sign of fire.

Retail and public assembly (no change) – we will continue to respond to automatic fire alarms during night-time and weekends. We will continue to not respond to automatic fire alarms during weekday daytimes unless there is a confirmed sign of fire.

Residential (change) – we will continue to respond to automatic fire alarms during night-time and weekends. We will not respond to automatic fire alarms during weekday daytimes unless there is a confirmed sign of fire. Houses in multiple occupation and care homes will be exempt from any change. The full exemption list can be seen in the appendix.

Domestic (no change) – we will continue to respond to automatic fire alarms at any time of day or night, with enhanced communications campaigning.

Projected annual savings:

  • 1,224 fewer alerts to incidents, which is almost 24 every week
  • 199 hours saved for wholetime firefighters, to carry out prevention activity and other duties to keep our communities safe
  • £59,323 saving after investment into on-call firefighters and communications campaigns to reduce false alarms.

Source URL: https://www.dsfire.gov.uk/about-us/AFA-consultation/option-two

List of links present in page
  1. https://www.dsfire.gov.uk/about-us/AFA-consultation/option-two