
Property fire:Domestic; EX1 2; 09-Nov-2024 14:35:14 (https://www.dsfire.gov.uk/incidents/property-fire-2024-11-09-14-35)


Property fire

2.35pm - 09 November 2024
Last updated
10.06am - 10 November 2024
Incident type
Attending station
Danes Castle

Fire Control initially mobilised the crew from Danes Castle to a report of an Alarm for a domestic property in in Exeter. 
As they were about to book on scene, a second call was received reporting that smoke was issuing from a property and Fire Control immediately mobilised the crew from Middlemoor. Crew on scene immediately got to work using 2x breathing apparatus, 1x hose reel jet and 1x safety jet.

At 14:56, an assistance message was received requesting the attendance of 2 further fire engines which was mobilised from the on-call crew of Danes Castle and on-duty crew from Exmouth. Shortly after, a request was made for the attendance of an Aerial Ladder Platform which was also mobilised from Danes Castle. 

At 15:35, crew confirmed that the use of breathing apparatus was discontinued and that a small amount of fire spread had been detected in the timber structure of the property. Crew got to work exposing any hot spots to extinguish these.

Unfortunately, the property did sustain smoke and fire damage. The cause of the fire is believed to be accidental.  

Source URL: https://www.dsfire.gov.uk/incidents/property-fire-2024-11-09-14-35

List of links present in page
  1. https://www.dsfire.gov.uk/incidents/property-fire-2024-11-09-14-35
  2. https://www.dsfire.gov.uk/safety/home/if-you-have-a-fire
  3. https://www.dsfire.gov.uk/safety/home/smoke-alarms
  4. https://www.dsfire.gov.uk/safety/home/top-ways-reduce-your-risk-having-fire-home