
Property fire:Domestic; PL6 8; 01-Jul-2024 21:15:06 (https://www.dsfire.gov.uk/incidents/property-fire-2024-07-01-21-15)


Property fire

9.15pm - 01 July 2024
Last updated
1.26pm - 02 July 2024
Incident type
Moor View
Attending station
Camels Head
Clyst St George

Fire control received multiple reports of a property on fire in Plymouth. 

Control immediately mobilised Crownhill, Camels Head and 1 appliance from Greenbank to attend. 

Once on scene crews immediatley sent back an assistance message of 'Make Pumps 5' due to the property being well alight. These appliances came from Greenbank and Crownhill. As well as the incident support unit from Hontion.

Crews confirmed all persons accounted for and they immediately sectorised the incident. Crews were at work using 4x Breathing Apparatus, 3 Hose Reel Jets and 2 Covering Jets.

This is a terraced domestic dwelling consisting of 2 floors measuring approximately 10 metres by 10 metres, Fire located in front garden and spread to the property, crews were now at work using 6 x Breathing Apparatus, 3 Hose Reel Jets, 2 Covering Jets, 1 x Dog was located within the premises and rescued by fire crews. 

Further updates are to follow.

Source URL: https://www.dsfire.gov.uk/incidents/property-fire-2024-07-01-21-15

List of links present in page
  1. https://www.dsfire.gov.uk/incidents/property-fire-2024-07-01-21-15
  2. https://www.dsfire.gov.uk/safety/home/if-you-have-a-fire
  3. https://www.dsfire.gov.uk/safety/home/smoke-alarms
  4. https://www.dsfire.gov.uk/safety/home/top-ways-reduce-your-risk-having-fire-home