Section 1: Part 2 - Procurement
Collaboration with external partners
We are on the NFCCs Strategic Commercial Board (Procurement Hub) and are one of the NFCC’s five Commercial Leads (responsible for the fleet category).
As part of this role we work with UK fire services and Blue Light Commercial to identify emergency services collaborative opportunities, promoting them across the sector.
As a Service, we lead on the National NFCC Emergency Response Vehicles Framework, collaborating with the sector and its suppliers on its development. We have also led on other sector wide collaborative procurements including the NFCC Self Contained Breathing Apparatus Framework. Additionally, we routinely collaborate with Dorset & Wiltshire, Hampshire and Kent FRS for procurements related to its Network Fire Service Partnership.
Use of national frameworks
We are users of the police and fire contract management and e-tendering portal (InTend). Contracts are recorded on this system and collaborative procurements can be identified from our register and procurement documentation. As a matter of policy, we require the use of national collaborative procurements and there would need to be a strong business case to consider any procurement not being conducted through national approaches. We are represented on the project team (led by Kent FRS) developing the next NFCC national PPE and workwear framework.