
Modern Slavery Act 2015 (https://www.dsfire.gov.uk/about-us/modern-slavery/modern-slavery-statement/modern-slavery-act-2015)

Modern Slavery Act 2015

Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. It takes various forms, such as slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking. All forms have in common the deprivation of a person's liberty by another in order to exploit them for personal or commercial gain. To tackle these crimes, the Modern Slavery Act 2015 was introduced.

Modern slavery includes: 

  • Forced labour: victims are forced to work against their will, often working very long hours for little or no pay in dire conditions under verbal or physical threats of violence. 
  • Debt bondage: victims are forced to work to pay off debts that realistically they never will be able to. 
  • Sexual exploitation: victims are forced to perform non-consensual or abusive sexual acts against their will, such as prostitution, escort work and pornography. Adults are coerced often under the threat of force, or another penalty. 
  • Criminal exploitation: often controlled and maltreated, victims are forced into crimes such as cannabis cultivation or pickpocketing against their will.
  • Domestic servitude: victims are forced to carry out housework and domestic chores in private households with little or no pay, restricted movement, very limited or no free time and minimal privacy often sleeping where they work. 

Source URL: https://www.dsfire.gov.uk/about-us/modern-slavery/modern-slavery-statement/modern-slavery-act-2015

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  1. https://www.dsfire.gov.uk/about-us/modern-slavery/modern-slavery-statement/modern-slavery-act-2015