Learn2Live events for young drivers (https://www.dsfire.gov.uk/education/learn2live-events)

Learn2Live events for young drivers

Learn2Live is a road safety partnership that runs events for year 12 and 13 students (age 16-18). The events provide students with information and resources to help keep them safer on the roads as new drivers, and as passengers of new drivers.

What to expect

The events are usually run as live theatre-style presentations or as virtual events. Each one lasts around one hour and is an interactive experience demonstrating to young people the ways they can keep safe on the roads.

Each event includes:

  • videos of young people having conversations about risky situations
  • advice and information from emergency services experts
  • real-life stories of situations young drivers and their passengers have found themselves in. 

Our event has been carefully designed using evidence-based and data-driven information. This helps us concentrate on the riskiest of behaviours and the best ways to help young people change their attitudes and intentions towards risk.

How to book

There are a few large venue Learn2Live events that run in the autumn term, which any year 12/13 colleges and schools can attend. Find details on the Learn2Live website (https://www.learn-2-live.org.uk/events).

If you would like to arrange a Learn2Live session or book a place at an upcoming session please visit the Learn2Live website or email Annabelle Priest from our road safety team via annabellepriest@dsfire.gov.uk (mailto:annabellepriest@dsfire.gov.uk).

Hosting a Learn2Live event

If you would like to discuss organising a Learn2Live event, please get in touch. Due to limited resources, we cannot visit each school or college.
We ask that you:

  • are located in Devon
  • have a large group (over 350) of year 12 or 13 students
  • have a suitable theatre-style space. 

We cannot guarantee that we will be able to arrange an event.


Virtual events

For those who cannot attend a public venue or host a Learn2Live at their location, we are offering a virtual Learn2Live session in the Spring term each year.


Transcript for the Learn2Live video


The video is a series of different people talking to the camera.

[a woman in air ambulance clothes talks to the camera]

Hi. My name's Claire Basanko and I'm a doctor with the air ambulance.

[a male firefighter talks to the camera]

I have been in the fire service for over 20 years

[a male paramedic talks to the camera]

I'm a paramedic with the ambulance service. I've been doing that job for 31 years.

[a police officer talks to the camera]

I am a roads policing officer for Devon and Cornwall Police.

[a different firefighter talks to the camera]

My name's Mick and I'm a firefighter with Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service.

[the paramedic speaks to camera again]

My message to you is to please take care of each other.

[Claire Basanko from the air ambulance says]

Put your mobile phone in the glove compartment, turn it off.

[a female police officer says]

Do not drive when tired. And do not drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

As a driver, please don't speed it's just not worth it.

[we now see a disabled young man in a wheelchair who talks to camera]

All I will say to you is. Just think.

[Mick the firefighter says] 

Don't get in cars with people that have been drinking and drive like idiots. 

Other events

As the Learn2Live events are delivered to a large audience we also do smaller follow-up sessions which can be run in your school or college. We offer these to all participating schools and colleges, usually a few months after your students have attended a Learn2Live event.

We can also attend freshers fairs, safety weeks and school events on request.

If you'd like any more information about our events or what we could do, please get in touch with Annabelle Priest.

Learn2Live in Somerset and Cornwall

Support for parents

We run an event for parents once a year. This is aimed specifically at parents of older teenagers and gives practical advice and tips for keeping your children safer on the roads both as passengers and as new drivers.

You can find out more about the event and more safety advice for parents on the Learn2Live website (https://www.learn-2-live.org.uk/survival/detail/parent-information).

Source URL: https://www.dsfire.gov.uk/education/learn2live-events

List of links present in page
  1. https://www.dsfire.gov.uk/education/learn2live-events
  2. https://www.learn-2-live.org.uk/events
  3. mailto:annabellepriest@dsfire.gov.uk
  4. http://www.somersetroadsafety.org
  5. mailto:annabellepriest@dsfire.gov.uk
  6. https://www.learn-2-live.org.uk/survival/detail/parent-information