
Send us a compliment (https://www.dsfire.gov.uk/about-us/compliments)

Send us a compliment

We love to hear positive feedback about our Service. Let us know if you've had a great experience with our staff, at one of our stations or if you just want to say thank you for a job well done.

We share compliments with the people involved, their line manager, and our Chief Fire Officer.

How to send us a compliment

Communications and Engagement Service 
Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service
Clyst St George
EX3 0NW.

An example of a compliment we have recently received:

"A lovely team all of whom were kind, compassionate and understanding in supporting one of our residents with the greatest of respect and dignity in difficult circumstances."

Source URL: https://www.dsfire.gov.uk/about-us/compliments

List of links present in page
  1. https://www.dsfire.gov.uk/about-us/compliments
  2. mailto:compliments@dsfire.gov.uk
  3. tel:01392 872354