The new Plymstock Fire Station is taking shape (

The new Plymstock Fire Station is taking shape


Work has begun on the new two-bay fire station at Plymstock. The groundworks and foundations have been completed and the steel frame structure is now being built.

This project is part of our ongoing investment into our buildings, to support firefighters in their daily roles.

“The old one-bay station had become very worn out and had always been a challenge being spread out over three different buildings. The new two appliance bay structure will future-proof the station with the continued expansion of the local community. The improvement in facilities for our on-call crew will enable us to complete more training at the site without having to train at other locations.”

Watch Manager, Neil Willmott

The new two-bay fire station will help to protect the growing community at Sherford and Saltram Meadow, as new homes, schools, leisure facilities and workplaces continue to be built in the local area.*

The modern building has been designed with sustainability in mind; the station will be energy efficient, including a solar photovoltaic (PV) array on the roof, enhanced heating, and almost entirely natural ventilation. The design also complements the local architecture.

The new Plymstock Fire Station will have a glazed front that will open up the building to the street, allowing passers-by to see inside the station. Covid-19 has created challenges and required different ways of working but the progress being made is positive.

More information

If you have any questions about the project or would like more information, please email Kevin Mills on (

* The Sherford new community and Saltram Meadow (which is under construction in the former Plymstock Quarry), includes provision for 7,182 new homes and circa. 78,000 sq.m of employment space with district and local centres, educational facilities (including a secondary and primary schools), local health and community facilities.

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