
Lundy Island Fire Station (https://www.dsfire.gov.uk/about-us/fire-stations/lundy-island-fire-station)

Lundy Island Fire Station

Lundy Island
Bristol Channel
EX39 2LY
United Kingdom

01392 872200
Station type
  • The fire team on Lundy are all employed by the Landmark Trust in various roles to run the Island
  • They do train but due to their shift patterns on the Island it’s not on a set night
  • The fire team only act defensively – they are not trained in using breathing apparatus
  • Island employees are required to join either the fire team or the coastguard team
  • The Island employees come and go, so the fire team personnel changes quite often. Generally, there is a watch manager, a crew manager and about 12 firefighters.
  • The fire team have PPE, use of a land rover with light portable pumps and a water bowser which is towed by a tractor
  • They are paid for their activity – such as incidents, training, and administration but they are not paid a retainer.

Source URL: https://www.dsfire.gov.uk/about-us/fire-stations/lundy-island-fire-station

List of links present in page
  1. https://www.dsfire.gov.uk/about-us/fire-stations/lundy-island-fire-station