
Firefighters' pensions board (https://www.dsfire.gov.uk/about-us/pensions)

Firefighters' pensions board

Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Authority Local Pensions Board was set up under the Public Services Pensions Act of 2013, to assist the scheme manager in complying with the regulations and governance of the Firefighters' Pensions Schemes.

The tables below show the functions relating to the Firefighters' Pensions Schemes and who is responsible for exercising those functions.

Functions and responsibilities at the national level
Function Responsible body

Provision of advice to the responsible authority, scheme manager, and Local Pension Board

The Firefighters’ Pension Scheme Advisory Board

Regulation of all work-based pensions

The Pensions Regulator


Functions and responsibilities at the local level
Function Responsible body

Scheme Manager for Firefighters’ Pensions Scheme

Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Authority

Provision of advice and support to the Scheme Manager

Local Pensions Board

Exercise of Discretion under the Schemes

The full Authority, the Human Resources Management and Development Committee or the Chief Fire Officer depending on the actual discretion

Principal Accountable Officer

Head of Human Resources

Day-to-day Management and Administration of the Schemes

West Yorkshire Pensions Fund


Roles and responsibilities


Scheme Manager (the Authority – delegated to Head of HR)



Overall responsibility for the scheme. The Scheme Manager may delegate specific activities or functions to other parties, such as administrators. However, it remains accountable for complying with the law and the overall management and administration of the scheme.


  • Ensure compliance with scheme regulations and other legislation.
  • Manage risks and ensure there are adequate internal controls.
  • Ensure that pension board members don’t have conflicts of interest.
  • Put in place effective dispute resolution procedures.
  • Keep records and ensure the quality of member data.
  • Communicate information to members including benefit statements.
  • Publish information on the Local Pension Board.
  • Meet employer duties related to automatic enrolment.
  • Pay contributions in line with requirements in scheme regulations.
  • Report late payment of contributions.
  • Keep and provide data to the administrator.
  • Meet the Pensions Regulator’s reporting requirements, for example completing scheme returns.
  • Report breaches to the Pensions Regulator where required.




Carry out day-to-day functions of running the scheme for the Scheme Manager.


  • Keep records.
  • Collect contributions.
  • Pay net benefits to members.
  • Calculate deductions as appropriate and report these to HMRC.
  • Report breaches to the Pensions Regulator where required.

Local pension board



To assist the Scheme Manager.


  • To help the Scheme Manager to comply with Scheme regulations, any other legislation relating to the governance and administration of the Scheme, and requirements imposed by the Pensions Regulator in relation to the Scheme.
  • To help the Scheme Manager ensure the effective and efficient governance and administration of the Scheme.
  • To report breaches of the law to the Pensions Regulator.
  • To provide assurance to the Scheme Manager on pensions administration, including monitoring of KPIs.
  • To ensure that Board members have requisite knowledge and understanding of scheme rules; documents setting out scheme administration; policies; and pension law.
  • To produce an Annual Report for the Authority.

Local pension board chair



To plan each meeting effectively and to conduct them according to the constitution; ensuring that matters are dealt with in an orderly and efficient manner; and that there is full participation during meetings.


  • To ensure that all Board members show due respect for the process, that all views are heard and considered and that decisions on recommendations are democratically made where consensus cannot be reached.
  • To uphold and promote the purpose of the Board and to interpret its Terms of Reference when necessary.
  • To ensure that Board members have the knowledge and skills to undertake the role, and maintain a training record.
  • To ensure that Board members record conflicts of interest.
  • To arrange professional advice for the Board as required, subject to agreement by the Clerk to the Authority.
  • To agree on the agenda and approve the minutes for Board meetings.
  • To write reports as required by the Authority on the work of the Board.
  • To annually review the performance of the Board and complete an Annual Report for the Authority.
  • The decision of the Chair on all points of procedure, order and the Terms of Reference shall be final.

Local pension board members



At all times act in a reasonable manner in the conduct of the Board’s purpose.


  • Act always in the interests of the scheme and not seek to promote the interests of any stakeholder group above another.
  • Demonstrate standards of conduct based on the seven “Nolan” Principles of Public Life, modified accordingly and as appended to this document.
  • Demonstrate capacity to attend (and complete the necessary preparation for) Board meetings.
  • Commit to developing the requisite knowledge and understanding of scheme rules; documents setting out scheme administration; policies; and pension law and participate in training as required.
  • To declare potential conflicts of interest.

Local pensions board

The Local Pensions Board must have an equal number of employer and member representatives. Our Local Pensions Board has eight members and meets four times a year.

Employer representatives are appointed directly by the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Authority (as Scheme Manager). The Authority has determined that, for member representatives, a selection process should be undertaken and the responsibility for undertaking this has been delegated to the Head of Human Resources.


Read the agenda and supporting papers (https://fireauthority.dsfire.gov.uk/ieListMeetings.aspx?CId=177&Year=0) for meetings from January 2019 onwards.

Terms of Reference

Our employer representatives

Maria PhillipsAssistant Director of Finance and Corporate Services
mphillips@dsfire.gov.uk (mailto:mphillips@dsfire.gov.uk)

Andrew Furbear
Head of Finance
afurbear@dsfire.gov.uk (mailto:afurbear@dsfire.gov.uk)

Councillor Simon Coles
Fire Authority Member
simon.coles@somerset.gov.uk (mailto:simon.coles@somerset.gov.uk)

Satnam Singh Rai
Independent Co-opted Member

Our member representatives

Two positions for member representatives are currently vacant.

Philip Gillbard
On-call Watch Manager

Greg Webb

Officer delegated to act as Scheme Manager

Mareena Anderson-Thorne
Culture and Service Transformation Manager
pensions@dsfire.gov.uk (mailto:pensions@dsfire.gov.uk)

Board member training

Board members are invited to attend Local Government Association conferences and seminars relating to Firefighters' Pension Schemes and Administration. In addition to this, board members complete the training modules on The Pensions Regulator website.


Training records


Satnam Singh Rai


Has recorded the following progress within The Pensions Regulator's Public Service toolkit:
Public service scheme.

  • Conflicts of interest Passed.
  • Managing risk and internal controls Passed.
  • Maintaining accurate member data Passed.
  • Maintaining member contributions Passed.
  • Providing information to members and others Passed.
  • Resolving internal disputes Passed.
  • Reporting breaches of the law Passed.

Philip Gillbard


Has recorded the following progress within The Pensions Regulator's Public Service toolkit:
Public service scheme.

  • Conflicts of interest Passed.
  • Managing risk and internal controls Passed.
  • Maintaining accurate member data Passed.
  • Maintaining member contributions Passed.
  • Providing information to members and others Passed.
  • Resolving internal disputes Passed.
  • Reporting breaches of the law Passed.

Simon Coles


Has recorded the following progress within The Pensions Regulator's Public Service toolkit:
Public service scheme.

  • Conflicts of interest Passed.
  • Managing risk and internal controls Passed.
  • Maintaining accurate member data Passed.
  • Maintaining member contributions Passed.
  • Providing information to members and others Passed.
  • Resolving internal disputes Passed.
  • Reporting breaches of the law Passed.

West Yorkshire Pension Fund

As of 1 April 2018, West Yorkshire Pension Fund (WYPF) is the Scheme administrator and payroll (for those in receipt of a pension) provider. For further information see the West Yorkshire Pension Fund website (https://www.wypf.org.uk/firefighters) or telephone 01392 872332 (tel:01392 872332).

Peninsula Pensions

Peninsula Pensions (https://www.peninsulapensions.org.uk/) will continue to provide pensions administration and payroll for Local Government Pensions Scheme members.

Internal disputes resolution procedures

Guidance on the IDRP is available on the West Yorkshire Pension Fund website (https://www.wypf.org.uk/firefighters/internal-dispute-resolution-procedure/).

The Pensions Ombudsman

10 South Colonnade

Canary Wharf

London E14 4PU

Pensions Ombudsman website (https://www.pensions-ombudsman.org.uk)

Tel:  0800 917 4487 (tel:0800 917 4487)

Firefighters' Pension Scheme (FPS) - information provided by the Local Government Association

The Local Government Association provides a range of services to support the administration of the various Firefighters' Pension Schemes (FPS). These services include:

  • a range of administration resources including fact sheets, guides and training material
  • a monthly bulletin highlighting issues affecting the FPS
  • an online library of FPS Regulations and Actuarial Guidance
  • pension administration and governance training.

This can be accessed by following this link to the Local Government Association website (https://www.local.gov.uk/our-support/workforce-and-hr-support/local-government-pensions/firefighters-pension-scheme).

Source URL: https://www.dsfire.gov.uk/about-us/pensions

List of links present in page
  1. https://www.dsfire.gov.uk/about-us/pensions
  2. https://fireauthority.dsfire.gov.uk/ieListMeetings.aspx?CId=177&Year=0
  3. https://www.dsfire.gov.uk/sites/default/files/2025-02/local_pension_board_terms_of_reference.odt
  4. https://www.dsfire.gov.uk/sites/default/files/2025-02/local_pension_board_terms_of_reference.pdf
  5. https://www.dsfire.gov.uk/sites/default/files/2023-01/firefighters_pension_scheme_administration_management_and_governance_strategy_policy.pdf
  6. mailto:mphillips@dsfire.gov.uk
  7. mailto:afurbear@dsfire.gov.uk
  8. mailto:simon.coles@somerset.gov.uk
  9. mailto:pensions@dsfire.gov.uk
  10. https://www.wypf.org.uk/firefighters
  11. tel:01392 872332
  12. https://www.peninsulapensions.org.uk/
  13. https://www.wypf.org.uk/firefighters/internal-dispute-resolution-procedure/
  14. https://www.dsfire.gov.uk/sites/default/files/2021-01/Internal%20dispute%20resolution%20procedures.odt
  15. https://www.pensionsadvisoryservice.org.uk
  16. tel:0800 011 3797
  17. https://www.pensions-ombudsman.org.uk
  18. tel:0800 917 4487
  19. https://www.local.gov.uk/our-support/workforce-and-hr-support/local-government-pensions/firefighters-pension-scheme