Enforcement notice number
Unique property reference number
UPRN: 100041064835
Premises ID
Premises type
Commercial, Retail, Fast food outlets
Notice served date
Compliance status
Prohibition in force
Premises address
Underwood Chinese Takeaway, 120 Underwood Road, Plymouth, PL7 1TA
Reason issued
There is insufficient fire resisting separation between the commercial part of the premises and the means of escape from the upper floors. There is also no means of detecting a fire and giving warning to those sleeping on upper floors. Any fire in the commercial premises will result in heat and/or smoke filling the escape route, potentially overcoming people whilst they sleep or preventing them from making a safe escape from the premises.
Undertake a suitable and sufficient fire risk assessment.
Provide a protected means of escape route.
Provide a suitable means of detecting and giving warning of a fire.